Looking for a cosy environment to enjoy great traditional music performers, Look no further than the "Art Hall 가얏고을" Situated conveniently in the centre of Seoul (Seollung Station Exit 6) This venue is very discreet but has all the warmth necessary for a close and intimate performance where performers have the opportunity to closely relate with the audience.
Although situated in the basement of the building it is truly close nit with great facilities such as a newly built stage, very hospitable and friendly staff who are able to speak capable english to assist foreign visitors and a warm atmosphere especially during the cold Korea winters.
Although situated in the basement of the building it is truly cosy with great facilities such as a newly built stage, very hospital, friendly staff who are able to speak capable english to assist foreign visitors, warm atmosphere especially during the cold Korea winters.
There is also an array of instrument for performers, clothes and a very advanced waiting room which I had the opportunity of using during a performance which I will be talking about in my next post.
A very interesting thing is that even though this venue offers a lot for it size, it also offers Korean Tradition instrument and vocal classes for people interested in learning this type of music for a very reasonable price.
For performers as well as people looking to where to enjoy Korean Traditional Music, this is a venue I will definitely recommend!!!
Thanks to Art Hall 가얏고을!!!!!
© 2018